Fotolog is a community of personal diaries from around the world. It's simple: everyone can upload only one photo a day and that's the special part of this community.
Create the personal album of your life or your company and quickly access from your mobile phone or computer. Follow the posts of your favorite friends or personalities.
Discover new artists, music bands, photographers and other personalities, explore other people's lives in a more interesting and less invasive way than other social networks.
Main features:
* Good privacy: you can choose the privacy of your account.
* Your profile is a calendar! Your photos categorized by days, complete the empty days with moments that you want to remember.
* Activity: find out who left you a comment and who liked one of your photos or who is following you. All in one place.
* Explore: find other Fotolog users around the world.
* Follow the daily activity of your friends and artists in one place.
Fotolog adalah komunitas buku harian pribadi dari seluruh dunia. Ini sederhana: semua orang bisa meng-upload hanya satu foto sehari dan itulah bagian khusus dari komunitas ini.
Buat album pribadi hidup Anda atau perusahaan Anda dan cepat mengakses dari ponsel atau komputer. Ikuti tulisan dari teman-teman favorit Anda atau kepribadian.
Menemukan artis baru, band musik, fotografer dan kepribadian lainnya, mengeksplorasi kehidupan orang lain dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan kurang invasif dibandingkan jaringan sosial lainnya.
Fitur utama:
* Privasi Baik: Anda dapat memilih privasi akun Anda.
* Profil Anda adalah kalender! Foto Anda dikategorikan oleh hari, menyelesaikan hari kosong dengan momen yang ingin Anda ingat.
* Kegiatan: mencari tahu siapa meninggalkan Anda komentar dan yang menyukai salah satu foto Anda atau yang mengikuti Anda. Semua dalam satu tempat.
* Jelajahi: menemukan pengguna Fotolog lain di seluruh dunia.
* Ikuti aktivitas sehari-hari teman dan seniman di satu tempat.
Fotolog is a community of personal diaries from around the world. It's simple: everyone can upload only one photo a day and that's the special part of this community.
Create the personal album of your life or your company and quickly access from your mobile phone or computer. Follow the posts of your favorite friends or personalities.
Discover new artists, music bands, photographers and other personalities, explore other people's lives in a more interesting and less invasive way than other social networks.
Main features:
* Good privacy: you can choose the privacy of your account.
* Your profile is a calendar! Your photos categorized by days, complete the empty days with moments that you want to remember.
* Activity: find out who left you a comment and who liked one of your photos or who is following you. All in one place.
* Explore: find other Fotolog users around the world.
* Follow the daily activity of your friends and artists in one place.